
Miles “Sohcahtoa” Elder was born in La Jolla, California in May of 1990 – at the end of the Cold War and with the initial public integration of the Internet. He spent the majority of his adolescence in and received his pre-college education in Denver, Colorado. Moving to Santa Cruz, California in 2008, after the death of his mother (a quiet, yet, creative hairstylist) Michelle Elder, to study Psychology.

After three years of State-sponsored education, he abandoned the hegemonic path of domestication and moved to San Francisco in search of something genuine. In 2012, he moved to Oakland, found a Home and began writing, creating, and practicing his sacred path.

Currently, he resides at the anarchist homestead in the Oakland Hills and spends much of his existence pondering the Mysteries of Life, while teaching and learning from the eclectic people of Berkeley and Oakland. He is both an Omnist and a Thelemite. Currently, employed by Damón Hall Management (a San Francisco/Los Angeles-based thespian management company), is producing a full-length album (Sohcahtoa, Sept. 2012), writing and producing “Riff Raff” (an Oakland radical art and poetry zine), running Omni House (a small, radical publication DBA), and guiding a free Hatha yoga practice in People’s Park, Berkeley (Mon, Wed, Fri, at 9am).

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